Dental Veneers in Newburyport, MA

When you envision the perfect smile, what do you see? Does it involve teeth that are sparkling white, perfectly straight, and without any cracks, chips, or other flaws?

The perfect smile does not need to be a dream. At Newburyport Family Dental, we create high-quality custom veneers in Newburyport, MA designed just for you.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are a modern tool that change the outward appearance of the smile. They sit like shells on top of your dental enamel and are made from durable materials like porcelain or composite resin.

Veneers can give you a cosmetic change without requiring years of long-term treatment or multiple procedures. They are often used for the following reasons:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Dental bonding
  • Filling in gaps
  • Lengthening the teeth
  • Evening the teeth
  • Fixing chips or cracks

How Long Do They Last?

When you take care of your veneers, you can expect them to last up to 20 years. Proper care includes brushing and flossing twice a day, as well as avoiding problematic tendencies like biting or chewing on ice. Most people with veneers also don’t chew gum, as the sticky substance can displace the putty used during bonding.

Who Can Wear Them?

The main requirements for dental veneers are to have healthy teeth and gums. This means you should not currently be suffering from problems like gingivitis, tooth decay, or cavities.

To help you get where you need to be for care, our team of dedicated staff members will create a custom treatment plan just for you. This plan will improve your overall oral health and wellness while making your smile the perfect candidate for cosmetic dentistry.

No matter what stage of oral health you are currently at, feel free to contact us at Newburyport Family Dental. Our veneers near you are the perfect solution to minor cosmetic defects and can help you feel great with a new smile that suits your personality. Look for our office in Newburyport, MA today to learn more.

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